Thursday, May 8, 2008


It's not rare when you hear a person say ' I just wish i was dead'. Many friends of mine, even very close ones, have told me this. Well as a matter of fact even I've wished for it. It is an easy thing to say, some may say it just like that, well some would say it very seriously. Most of them say this because they might be going through the worst of scenarios that life gives you.

From 2007 onwards I have been, even now I am, going through this so called 'the worst of scenarios given by life' and there have been many instances when I've wished that my life would end right there. But last Saturday I got to hear a very bad news, the farewell of a friend, a very close friend. To make things worse on my side I couldn't attend his funeral. I was all alone in my house, very depressed, not even a single person to talk to and my mind was going through a hell lot of emotions. I seriously didn't know what to do. My mind went through a lot of things, the times spent with him, the jokes that were shared, everything.

I thought about his family, how are they facing it? Then all of a sudden i put myself in his shoes. What would have happened? How would have my parents faced it. I cried a lot that day. I just couldn't bear the thought about his parents and how they would be facing it. If you put your people and yourself in that position then only you'll realize what it all means. I felt weak from inside, my mind was all tore down. His father might feel like telling him something, but he isn't there to listen. His mother might want to make his favorite dish, but he isn't there to eat. His brother would have wanted to sit and watch football with him, but he isn't there to watch it. This is reality, and they are going through it now.

I understood something that day. When we all say that' I wished I was dead' have we ever thought what it really means. Just think of this, what if God thinks that he will grant this wish, no matter who makes it, then is it a question of how you will accept it? No, it is a question of how your loved ones will accept it. It is an easy thing to say and we know that we won't simply die when we say that, but the truth is that we are so proud to be alive that we even wish for death. The truth is, we have just taken life for granted, so easily.

Last night I was talking to a friend of mine, she said that she feels like there is no reason for her to live. She said that whatever she believed in turned out to be a disaster and that she has lost faith in herself and in life.Yes, she is going through a rough face, I know that very well. But that dosen't mean that she has no reason to live. There are people who pray for you without your asking. There are people who think about the good times they've spent with you and wish that they could spend more time with you. But, at that moment you only think about yourself and the problems you face. But do you ever think of those people who care for you, what will go through them if you are not there in their life anymore. No, you don't think and that is why you wish for death.

Life in not perfect. You can never have good times alone. You have bad times too and when you have, you ask God ' Why me?'. But do you ask the same question when you're going through the best of times. No. When you move ahead in life there are times when you simply wish for death, but when life's almost over, you may wish for a day more, maybe a few more hours so that you can spend it with your loved ones. So, the next time when you go through a rough patch just remember, this is life, if you are in the dumps today tomorrow you'll be smiling wide. Remember at the end of every long dark tunnel there is light, you only have to walk towards it. Don't curse life and wish for death, but thank God for giving you a beautiful day and wish for happiness.


Adheeth said...

nice post da n so rightly said...people do have rough times but then when you hear other people or put in other persons story u would realize urs isnt big enuf problem.

Saneef H Ansari said...

hey, only now i read the post. Really a good one!

And I truly agree with your quote "Remember at the end of every long dark tunnel there is light, you just need to walk towards it."